Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Hey guys !

The next day of our small Seoul vacation, day #3, was spent in Gangnam mostly. I don't have much to write about this day to be honest, because it was mostly just touristing (Not sure if that's a word but I am gonna use it) around and shopping, so I am going to let the pictures speak. The previous day was full of culture, history and old traditional buildings so I wanted to show the more modern side of my home city to my family too, so we headed to Gangnam next. Our first stop was COEX mall and I took my little sister to the COEX Aquarium. If you ever visit COEX mall, I'd recommend you to stop by the Aquarium too. It's huge, they have amazing variety of fish & marine mammals (seals, manatees), penguins, monkeys, beavers and even bats. They also have various shows and small events daily, plus a room where you can actually touch different kinds of sea creatures like starfish, which is really cool in my opinion, and not something you have the chance to do everyday. After the Aquarium and grabbing some Japanese food to eat we took a taxi to Gangnam station where we spent the next few hours. 

It was a beautiful, clear day and the sunset that was just about to start made the sky and the buildings against it look incredibly beautiful. And of course, since our hotel was in Myeongdong, we ended up shopping there in the evening. I never really liked Myeongdong before, probably because I haven't been shopping and doing touristy stuff around Seoul this year that much, but it turned out to be a pretty nice shopping district when you actually go for a shopping spree. We also tried out these kimchi rolls, wrapped in bacon (ah-mazing) and found a pretty little vintage cafe that is very likely going to be featured in my Cafe tag - post series someday when I find the time to go back. It was tiny, cozy, calm & quiet and they served food, coffee & desserts. Especially their raspberry cafe mocha was delicious. The cafe was in the middle of the busiest Myeongdong street yet they still managed to create and maintain a very calm, classy atmosphere. Great place to relax and clear your mind after a busy day of shopping and skyscrapers. 



  1. Wow your photos are so clean and visually appealing wow!! It makes me feel calm. Thank you for this wonderful post!! xx

  2. Onko korealaiset miten rasistisia? Jos menen koreaan vaihto-oppilaaksi ja olen suomimies niin kiusataanko minua? :-(

  3. Moikka!! Suomimies :D Pakko kyllä sanoa, että Korealaisista osa on rasistisia, mutta rasismi kohdistuu yleensä muihin kuin meihin vaaleisiin Eurooppalaisiin. Meilläkin yliopistossa joka semesterillä 3-4 suomimiestä ja hyvin otetaan aina vastaan eikä mitään kiusaamista ole esiintynyt kyllä tietääkseni ja paljon uusia kavereita saaneet nää muutkin Suomimiehet :D Ja samoin jos lukiovaihtoon oot lähdössä niin tiedän kyllä muutaman pojan jotka lähtivät Suomesta Koreaan ja sopeutuivat tosi hyvin ja saivat kavereita :) Ei huolta !

  4. Onko se siellä vaihdossa oleminen sitten millaista? Joku sanoi että juhli vaan suurimman osan ajasta ja toinen että 24/7 opiskelua että mitenköhän se oikeasti on :D

    1. Jos tulet yliopistovaihtoon se on juhlimista sen suurimman osan ajasta :D jos menet lukiovaihtoon vietät koululla aamuyhdeksästä neljään tai pidempään joka päivä! Se ero on aika huima.. lukioaika on korealaisille hirmutärkeä koska hyvään yliopistoon on päästävä, mutta sitten kun sinne yliopistoon päästään niin otetaankin aika lunkisti :D

  5. Pitääkö muuten miten hyvin osata koreaa jos sinne meinaa mennä?

    1. Mitä enemmän osaat sitä parempi mutta kyllä täällä englannillakin pärjää :)


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