Thursday, August 6, 2015

One step closer

Hello beautiful people! 

Today has been such a good, exciting day. I just came home from Gangnam and am now officially a (broke) member of DEF Company & their dance school ! I've already reached my biggest, rational dream, which was moving to Korea, and now that my life here has pretty much calmed down I decided it's time to go for my other, a bit more irrational dreams. 

Now before some of you go all sassy on me and send me messages asking if being a kpop star is my dream, let me save you the time of typing a stupid comment like that. No, that's the last thing I have in my mind. Dancing has been, since I learned how to stand and walk, one of the most important things to me, and being able to do it here in Korea, and have a real hobby, is something I am really, incredibly happy for. I've been dancing in a bunch of groups & schools throughout my whole life, last time I took hip hop classes in Japan, but besides getting a proper education I've always had this little thought in the back of my mind that  what if this was something I could end up doing for living, or even semi-professionally on the side. 

And all you people who know me, even a bit personally, also know that when I decide something I also go for it 110%. For couple of years until now I've been putting all my focus on being able to move here one day, and now that that's true, it's time to go for new challenges! So dancing it is.

I heard about this place from my school friend about a month ago and since then I've given this a lot of thought and, well, today I went and signed up for hip hop classes. Def company is, what I've heard, one of Korea's best and most appreciated dance & music academies, so I am definitely looking forward to attending the classes there. Today I got a sneak peek of what to expect on Saturday when my first class starts, and I gotta say I was everything but disappointed. The choreography we are going to be learning this month in my class is Kyle Hanagami's version of "YONCE". 

On another, completely unrelated news, we have a speech contest tomorrow at school and after that I am probably going to spend a wild Friday evening catching up on all the homework and school stuff I have yet to do. Have a great weekend everyone and go for your silly, irrational dreams! 



  1. Olis hauska nähdä joku sun tanssi video, ainakin olettaisi ettet oo ihan surkea jos aloitat tollasella koreografialla :D

    1. moi :) hahah katotaa jos joskus innostun kuvailemaan (: oon kyllä itsekin asiaa miettinyt to be honest.

  2. Wau kuulostaa upeelta! Onnee <3 Olis mielenkiintoista lukea vielä lisää postauksia noista tunneista :)

    1. kiitos! Joo eiköhän jonkinnäköstä postausta ole sieltäki tulossa tulevaisuudessa, oon nimittäin nyt ihan rakastunut tohon studioon ja koko mun aika kuluu siellä nykyään. :D

  3. I did vocal and kpop dancing there in 2013. I really loved it. They're very supportive when they see your talents. I even was able to record a demo at their studio. I really do miss it there.

    1. Oh really? that's so amazing! I've been going there for 3 weeks now and I am absolutely in love with this place. Did you do an exchange here in Korea or were you just on a vacation? Or are you here at the moment too? hahah


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