Saturday, January 10, 2015

Last day at home

I have so exciting news to you all: My camera usb cable never ever arrived so I am, officially, leaving to Korea without being able to take pictures and document my journey with my camera! In the middle of all this stress and fuss taking pictures is like the last thing on my mind, but I really would've liked to take (good) pictures on my way to Korea. So I'll have to settle on using my galaxy note 3 for a while or just steal Sara's camera every now and then to take some pictures before I get my usb cable to Korea. 

Today I've spent the day shopping, packing, unpacking, packing again, unpacking some more and packing again! It is really hard to fit your life in two 23kg suitcases... So there's been a lot of rearranging in order to make them both 23 kg and still fit everything in. But somehow we made it ! 

You'll probably laugh if I told you all the weird things I'm dragging to Korea with me... including a cheese slicer, my own pillow, a wettex roll (it's a roll of sponge cloths), a bottle of super good detergent, a flat iron, freezer bags... Plus a whole bunch of other very important things ! It's not like they won't have any of this in Korea, but we'll save a lot of money and time by bringing these from Finland. I think...

Tomorrow I'll go see some of my friends in the morning and then just grab my bags from home and leave to Helsinki to Sara's place~ And the rest of the day will probably be just. A tad bit chaotic. And so is Monday. So the next time I'm writing here I'm going to be in Korea ~ I'll continue updating my twitter, instagram & tumblr through these last days though so if you wanna know what's going on with me you'll find me from there~ 


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