Sunday, June 1, 2014

High school graduate

I graduated from high school yesterday! It's officially over, my student life in Finland. It's been long and eventful 4 years. I didn't study as much as I could've, but I'm pretty satisfied with how my diploma turned out! Finals didn't go that well, but my grades are pretty good. Next time I sit down and open a school book I will be in Korea. How exciting is that~ We had a party at home at first and then I went out with my friends to a bar where probably 90% of the people graduating in this city were at.

My next few weeks are filled with work and exercising. I'm going to try to enjoy the warm summer days as well, catch up with some good Korean dramas and get back on track with the healthy diet I had before last week and graduation, lol.

Congratulations to all fellow graduates & happy summer vacation to everyone still attending school~



  1. Congraaaats^_^
    So in Finland, highschool is 4years, huh? in Indonesia it's 3year!:D
    i'm still a freshman in high school, can't wait for college life>< it looks so fun!:O

    I dare you take a peek to my blog!
    Adventure of P-Chaaaaan!!!

  2. haha thanks~

    Actually it's 3 years in Finland as well, but I lived a year in Japan so that's why it took me 4 years to complete it.
    I'm so excited for college life as well, lol.

    I'll check it out! thanks for the comment.


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