Monday, March 28, 2016

4 x spring liquid lipsticks

Hey guys ! 

It's officially spring here in Korea now ! The cherry blossom time is right around the corner and we are already busy making plans with school friends to go have picnics in the park and ride bicycles along Han river. Spring is my favorite season in Korea because it's not too hot and it's so incredibly pretty.
Anyway! With spring comes spring colors. I updated my liquid lipstick / liptint collection by few new colors from Innisfree. I've had the same kind of lipstick from them before too and I liked it a lot so I decided to go for the same brand and collection. 

[From L. to R.] Innisfree Real fluid rouge NO. 6 햇살 사과 한입, NO. 4사과나무 옆  오렌지, NO. 5 볼 빨간아기사과, NO. 3발그레 꽃송이

I was stupid and swatched the colors in wrong order, so the number order for this picture is from L. to R. 6, 5, 4, 3 !

[From L. to R.] Top: NO 6 & 5 Bottom: NO 4 & 3

I hardly ever go full coverage with these lipsticks but for the sake of proper color payoff I did the whole lip - look. Usually I use these as a tint on my inner lips with a lot of blending and lip balm and go for the typical Korean gradient lip (click) but the lipsticks work really either way ! I am especially loving the orange one, which looks just adorable and very subtle when used just to give that small tint of color to your lips. You can see what I meant by checking that picture I linked in the previous sentence, picture no. 4. Orange is a really popular lip color here in Korea and I've honestly felt kind of weird about it until I went and gave it a try. 

Anyway yes I've been loving these new lipsticks for the past week and I love how they go with spring makeup! I've been doing lots of like peachy / orange-ish looks lately. I don't know what's with me and orange suddenly, hahah! But you gotta try new things, right?  Just proved myself wrong with the whole Orange lip situation. They have really nice light pink colors in this collection too so next time I go lipstick shopping I will probably check those out too. 

On completely other news I just got a message from my classmate informing me we are keeping a pajama party at my place and asking what day suits me the best, hahah! I also joined a club & have literally every other day of this week full of plans with my friends except for today, but I will get back to that in the next post. 

I hope you all are enjoying this new week and have a great day / night ! <3 

ps. Holding a Korean beauty giveaway on tumblr when I reach my next thousand, stay tuned !



  1. how are they all so pretty wow! can't even choose a favourite, i shall get at least one of them now xx

    1. I know right ! They're all very nice colors so it's hard to choose hahah

  2. Wouldn't have believed that an orange lipstick would look that good but damn. so nice!

  3. Hi! This is off-topic question but you got the 50% off scholarship, right? I'm curious how did you get it? Thanks!!

    1. Hey ! Yes ! It came with a gpa over 8.0 ! Hanyang has this scholarship program where they give out 50 % & 100 % scholarships to international students by how well they did in high school. :) It's just a simple check a box - type of a thing when you apply to the school so you don't really have to do much anything for it or like take an interview etc. !

  4. Voi vitsit, mun mielestä noi kaikki on niin ihania värejä! Toi oranssi on indeed ihan mielettömän ihana, pitäis itsekin uskaltaa kokeilla uusia juttuja :>

    Ps. Heippa hei, oon kauan ollut hiljainen lukija, mutta nyt jätin kommentin, hehs! Hyvä minä!

    1. Moikka!! Ihanaaa Emmi ! hahaha se yllätti kyllä mut itsenikin. Kiitos paljon <3

      Hyvä sinä! Hyvää kevättä sinne Suomeen <3 <3

  5. Sun amorinkaari on ihanan erikoinen!

    Shade 3 is lovely~

    1. HAAAHA mä vihaan kun mun ylähuuli on niin pieni että pitää aina rajata reilusti yli että se näyttää siltä että se ois olemassa :DDDD mutta kiitos ! <3


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