Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday night DIY home spa - daiso version

Hey guys!
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I've had the most amazing, relaxing Saturday evening. I've binge watched some Korean dramas, ordered chicken, spent like an hour on our rooftop watching fireworks and then had a diy home spa session. Lately I've been so busy with school and dancing and running around the city meeting up with friends that I really don't get days like these often. So when I do, I really appreciate them. 

So as you know Korea is filled with different kinds of cosmetic stores and taking care of yourself  is a huge thing here. They have face masks and creams and lotions and serums everywhere with different kinds of promises of even brighter complex and whatnot. I would love to run around from store to store and buy all those things (and I do, at times) but the fact is that instead of being a tourist I am a broke-ass student most of the time. 

And everyone who is, or has even been a student here in Korea knows that Daiso is a magical place. It's a Japanese store chain that is known for its incredibly low prices. Like a 1 dollar shop, besides that they do have stuff that costs more than just few dollars. So I decided to go low-budget and headed to Daiso instead of like Oliveyoung, Tonymoly or Skinfood type of Korean makeup stores. I wanted to show you guys how easy it is to get good stuff for a remarkably smaller price. 

Apple, kiwi & blueberry masks - 1$ / a piece
 Fruit & vinegar Foot peeling pack - 2$
 Cucumber cleansing foam 2 $
 NIVEA face, body, hands - soft moisturizing cream 3 $
 Mint scented blackhead removal patches 1 $
  Green tea oil control paper 1 $

So my little Saturday night spa session Daiso haul costed me 10 bucks all in all. I feel good and happy and refreshed and ready to continue my drama marathon for few more episodes before going to bed. Especially the foot peeling pack was a completely new, amazing thing I didn't even know existed. I've been planning for a giveaway for a while (probably on tumblr, but also might include blogger and other sites) and this 2 dollar miracle that makes your feet feel like a baby's cheeks is definitely gonna be included in the prize. 

Daiso's blackhead removal patches are something I discovered quite a while ago and have been using since. Super cheap, not super effective to be honest but does what it's supposed to and does it well enough. NIVEA soft is one of my favorite hand creams ever. Their products here can be pretty pricey so finding this cream from Daiso for only few bucks was a pretty nice find. Honestly the green tea oil control papers aren't something I used tonight but I decided to include the package here because those are something I and everyone else in Japan carried around all the time during the summer, and I have been looking them ever since I came to Korea. Well it took me 9 months to find some. It's basically a very thin paper that you use to get rid of oil on your face without ruining your makeup. Also had the blueberry mask on few moments ago and it also did its job really well. So here you go. Saturday night pampering for ten bucks. Cheaper doesn't always mean it can't be better. 

Good night everyone & enjoy your weekend! 


1 comment

  1. all those packages look so cute like i wanna try too hahaha ♥


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