Thursday, July 30, 2015

OOTD: Coco made me wear floral prints

Dress & snapback - Some little shop @ Idae 
Hey youuu ! 

Just something simple I wanted to share with you guys. I bought this really cute floral dress / shirt thing from Idae yesterday and when I got home I realized it's like made to be worn with my floral "coco make me do it" snap back - also from Idae, couple of months ago. I also wore a pair of some simple dark blue jeans under it because otherwise it would've been kinda risky, lol. I don't usually do these kind of posts but this was actually pretty fun - new and different - so might start doing more ootd - posts in the future!

Today we had a study date with couple of my school friends in Sinsa, Garosu-gil! And as you guys know I have been trying to get myself to visit more new places so we chose like the cutest (and probably the most expensive) vintage cafe and sat there for hours studying and talking (The cafe tag - post about that is gonna be up later tonight). It was really nice. I need more of days like these in my life. 

Anyway! Floral prints, yay or nay? I personally think they are absolutely adorable. Totally fallen for them. 



  1. Miten noi paikalliset otti sut vastaan ja miten tutustuit niihin?

    1. Moi :)

      Hyvin on ottanu kaikki vastaan! Niin vanhat kuin nuoretkin, et henkilökohtasesti ole kokenut mitään syrjintää tms rasismia vaikka tiedän että sitäkin täällä esiintyy sillon tällöin. Mitä nyt joskus joku pappa katsoo pahasti metrossa kun mulla on liian paljon meikkiä tai liian lyhyt hame :D Mut suurimmaksi osaksi ni enemmänkin on ihmiset kauheen kiinnostuneita ja aktiivisia ja tulee mammatki metrossa välillä juttelemaan, hahah.

      Tutustun yleensä uusiin ihmisiin koulun tai kavereiden kautta. Joskus kun meen ulos ni tulee ihan randomeillekin puhuttua ja sitä kautta sit ystävystyttyä :) Et ihan normaalein keinoin, hahah~


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