Saturday, May 23, 2015

Korean dinner & Hanyang spring festival 15'

Hey there~ 
Today's my last day in Korea before I fly to Finland for 3 weeks. It's 11pm right now, and I have about 5 hours left before I'm leaving to the airport. Gonna pull an all nighter and watch Netflix or something. 

So as I mentioned earlier, I was planning to do a separate post about the Hanyang festival that I went to last night, but we were all so incredibly tired and there were so, so many people it was impossible to have like a photo shoot going on and all, so instead I am just going to do a picture post about my Friday. 

We went to eat with our class to this Korean buffet restaurant and then just walked around a bit and watched the performances that were going on on the stage. The finale was Girl's day's performance, and everyone, literally everyone wen't crazy over them. I had to run errands today, pack and write posts to my blog for the next 3 weeks so I couldn't really fully enjoy the festival and I had to go home semi early to, be boring and, sleep. Anyway, enjoy the pictures and I will see you the next time!  I will post here minimum once a week & I'll keep my instagram, tumblr & twitter updated through my whole vacation so I will see you there~



  1. Always wondering how you got all that money to go to Japan and Korea to study? And now even going to Finland for your vacation? Rich parents? Lottery winning probably :D?

    1. hello there! hahah, no, I did not win the lottery, sadly. And my parents are not rich, either. I grew up in a very normal family. They have always been really, really supporting though and especially my mom is always helping and supporting me no matter what. The study abroad year in Japan was a gift from my mother, because she knew how desperately I wanted to go to Japan. Studying in Korea is possible because I have a shitload of loans (from bank and from my mother) and I will obviously have to pay it all back later. Also I worked for a year before coming here. :')

    2. ps. I am broke af, to be honest. hahahaha

  2. That food T_T I miss korean food so badly i'll kill for it

    1. I know.. Korean food is pretty awesome hahah


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